Our Services

The organization is the main and essential activity of the company.

Acitores constructs pipe organs with transmission of notes preferably materials with mechanical or electrical registers, with or without electronic combinator, double console or wireless console, from the smallest possible organ to the largest ones.

In the facet of the restoration of organs, Acitores builds any type of organ, whether baroque, romantic or contemporary, with mechanical, pneumatic or electrical transmission.

The facilities of the company equipped for the exercise of the organization have a large assembly room of 14 meters high for the assembly of large structures.

The Company of Acitores has expanded its services to the sector of the restoration of movable goods and to the accomplishing of diversed services to the Church, putting at the disposal the durability of the equipments and facilities by collaborating with other companies especialized to create multidisciplinary teams.

Instalaciones - Acitores, Organería y Arte, S.L.    Instalaciones - Acitores, Organería y Arte, S.L.    Instalaciones - Acitores, Organería y Arte, S.L.

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